A New Way to Sell Wellness to Management and High-Performing, High-Stress Employees
Are your employees, especially your high-performing, high-stress executives, tuning out your wellness messages?
“Eat a healthy breakfast.”
“Get a good night’s sleep.”
“Exercise several times each week.”
Employees have read and heard these “tips” for decades and your wellness initiatives might only be generating incremental participation increases at this point.
How can you sell management on more wellness funding? How can you get your high-performing, high-stress employees to take better care of themselves?
It’s time to shake things up.
Managing Corporate Fatigue takes a new approach to getting key employees to take better care of themselves, not only at home, but in the workplace as well.
Typical Wellness Programs Are Too Narrow for High Performers
Most employee wellness programs focus on nutrition and fitness, adding some information on sleep and stress reduction.
New research shows that high-performing, high-stress executives need to focus more on proper sleep, in addition to other health habits.
High-stress managers, directors, doctors, nurses, attorneys and others who need to produce at a consistently high level should also learn performance eating, in addition to eating for health and weight management.
These employees should also focus on high-intensity interval training (HIIT) exercise, rather than cardio or aerobic workouts. In addition to exercise workouts, high-performers should add other types of physical activity in the workplace that promotes improved energy levels.
Employees who travel should also have specific protocols they follow when flying, sleeping in hotels, eating at odd hours and waiting in airports.
Your employees should also review how they are managing the air quality in their homes, vehicles and, if possible, their workplaces.
Time to Add Another Approach
A Managing Corporate Fatigue seminar or e-learning session focuses on:
- Proper Sleep
- Performance Eating (vs. Diet)
- Physical Activity (vs. Exercise)
- Home & Work Air Quality
- Stress Reduction
- Creating Rituals & Routines
Scare Your Employees
It’s one thing to tell employees, “Get a good night’s sleep. Eat a good breakfast. Exercise three times each week.”
It’s another to get them to do these things.
Two ways to increase the number of employees who begin taking care of themselves are:
#1 Explain WHY these habits will help them
#2 Explain HOW not adding these habits will lead to:
- Premature aging
- Permanent brain cell damage
- Earlier death
- Increased risk for dementia and alzheimer’s
- Low quality of life during their senior years
- Obesity
- Depression
- Substance abuse
- Relationship damage
- Career burnout
Unfortunately, to maximize employee buy-in for their own health and wellness, you need to scare them into wanting to take better care of themselves.
This means going beyond simply explaining the positive outcomes employees will get from better nutrition and exercise.
Employers need to be frank about the very negative health issues that will arise if employees don’t get the right type and amount of sleep, adequate physical activity and proper foods.
For example, did you know that each night you don’t get eight hours of restful sleep, you permanently kill brain cells?
Did you know that eating the wrong foods during the workday can decrease your cognitive function and lead to more errors, less creativity and less problem-solving abilitity?
Did you know that at approximaely 40 years old, you being “dying”? At this stage of life, your body begins making choices about which parts of your body and brain it will continue to repair and which parts of your body and brain it will let “die” because your ability to repair the daily cell damage you do decreases?
Did you know that getting six hours of sleep, as opposed to eight hours, leads to 50% more cortisol in your blood?
Cortisol is the “bad” stress hormone that can lead to impaired cognitive function, high blood pressure, weight gain, depression and several other mental health issues.
So, just skipping two hours of sleep per night can double the amount of cortisol in your blood.
There is a Managing Corporate Fatigue program for employees, and one for HR and Risk Managers.
Your employees can watch the presentation online, at their desired time, or you can bring Steve Milano to your workplace to present this fascinating, scary and highly helpful program to your employees.
HR and Risk Managers can watch their presentation online, earning continuing education credits toward organizations that accept the Managing Corporate Fatigue program for credits.
For more information on either program, click the link for Seminar Contents to see an outline of the contents and fees for e-learning and in-person presentations.